The group of lecturers participating in the Master Level project is constantly growing. Dr Łukasz Lassmann invites specialists of various fields in dentistry to share their knowledge and clinical experience with the participants.

Łukasz Lassmann

Julia Rutkowska

Alberto Paulo Souza
His academic pursuits included a role as a Visiting Research Scholar in the Department of Orthodontics at the University of Washington from 2012 to 2013, where he conducted significant research in advanced orthodontic techniques.
Earlier in his career, he was part of the Department of Orthodontics at the University of Guarulhos (1999-2001), focusing on clinical practice and orthodontic research. He is an active contributor to the orthodontic community, participating in national and international conferences and contributing to dental journals, reflecting his commitment to excellence in orthodontics.

Marcelo Calamita

Jakub Wiśniewski
Runs an Instagram account @jakub_wisniewski_dentist – covering the topics of creative dental photography and also an account @_the_endo_ – dedicated to endodontic issues and clinical photography.
In a free time – enthusiast of photography, squash, wakeboard and good movies

Tomasz Niedźwiedzki
Speaker at Polish and foreign conferences, author of publications in dental journals, lecturer at the Garmed Academy (advanced implant prosthetic course). He is also a member of many groups associating outstanding specialists: Master Level Guide, European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry (ESCD), Polish Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry (PASE), International Team for Implantology (ITI), Polish Endodontic Society (PTE) / European Endodontic Society (ESE ), Polish Dental Society (PTS), Digital Smile Design Member (DSD) and MENSA Poland.
Privately, an avid traveler, trekker, passionate about river canoeing, basketball, squash and tennis.

Riaz Yar
time in general practice Prof. Riaz set up his own practice in 2003 before gaining MFDS
from the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh in 2005. Following this in 2008, Prof.
Riaz completed an MPhil in Restorative Dentistry and in 2011 completed a 4-year long
Membership of Pros Dent mono-specialty training in Prosthodontics at the University of
In addition, Riaz is also an Internal examiner for the Membership of Joint Dental
Faculties of the Royal College of Surgeons England and an Internal examiner for the
Overseas Registration Exam and License in Dental Surgery of the Royal College of
Surgeons England. As well as completing the specialty prosthodontic training, Riaz has
undertaken a Diploma in Postgraduate Dental Studies (DPDS) with the University of
Bristol and a Diploma in Implant Dentistry with the Royal College of Surgeons,
Prof. Yar lectures nationally and internationally and is a keen advocate of postgraduate
teaching and this is evident with the setting up of RED (Restorative Education of the
Dental Team) Square – providing a MSc in Restorative Dentistry with University of
Chester for which he was program director for 4 years. He is currently running a PG
Diploma in Advanced Aesthetics / PG Cert Dental Sleep Medicine with Elevate Dental
and a PG Cert in Dental Risk Mitigation.
Prof. Yar has most recently completed his Masters in Soft Tissue around Implants and
Teeth with Professor Zucchelli (Bologna).
He is a member of the Faculty of Trainers with the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
and Fellow of the College of Dentistry.
He also a Visiting Professor in Prosthodontics at the College of Medicine and Dentistry –
Birmingham / Ulster University and Shifa Dental School, Islamabad.
His main topic of interest is TMD and Occlusion with Sleep Medicine and he runs courses
nationally and internationally.