Terms of Service


1) Both practical dental courses as well as theoretical and medical courses, in short, referred to as the Course, are training courses intended for dentists, dental hygienists or other persons related to the functioning of dental practice or the dental market, hereinafter referred to as Participant.

2) The course may be conducted in the form of theoretical lecture, lecture and demonstration, lecture and practical workshop or as other didactic activities.

3) The course may be conducted in the form of a webinar, online or on-demand version as well.

4) Webinar – on-demand course – For these courses, the Participant’s obligation to pay the price for access to the course (regardless of whether the Participant actually uses the access) arises upon registration and ordering the course. After posting the payment for access to the course, the Participant has the option of playing the training film multiple times for a period of 180 days.

5) The Course is organized by Dental Class Sp. z o.o. company, registered in Poland under VAT ID:  PL7252163426, address: 90-213 Łódź,  Rewolucji 1905r Street, No 52


1) Any person who expresses – by e-mail, telephone, via website during ordering the Course or in any other customary way – their willingness to participate in the training can become a Participant of the course.

2) By enrolling in the course, the Participant accepts the rules set out in these Regulations.

3) The Course Participant must be of legal age.

4) The Participant should provide the data necessary to issue an invoice and a certificate/attestation.

Course organizer’s responsibilities

1) The Organizer takes care of safety at the place where the course is held, following the relevant legal regulations.

2) The Organizer shall ensure that the course is conducted under the previously published program.

3) The Organizer shall ensure a high level of the substantive content of the course, carried out by lecturers with appropriate qualifications and competencies.

4) The Organizer shall issue a certificate of course completion and/or, in case of courses registered in the Medical Chamber, a certificate of the course completion containing an appropriate number of educational points.

 Registration with payment obligation

Placing an order for a given training course entails the obligation to pay within 7 days from the date of registration. The amount of the fee to be paid upon registration is given in the course description and these regulations.

Fees for practical courses

a/ The Participant is obliged to pay a deposit of EUR 2000,00 or whole price for the Course no later than 7 days from the date of “registration with payment obligation” or written notification by the Organiser of the need to pay the above-mentioned deposit (the Organiser may agree in writing to another way of payment). The deposit shall reduce the price.

b/ The participant is obliged to pay the course price reduced by the deposit no later than 30 days before the course starts.

c/ In the event of failure to perform the contract, the deposit shall be returned only in the amount paid by the Participant.

d/ The possibility of installments for participation in the course is subject to a separate agreement on the terms of participation in the course.

Data concerning the fees

The persons willing to participate in the course, after prior telephone, e-mail notification or via website and confirmation of their admission by the Organizer, shell make a payment to the following account:

Company name: Dental Class Sp. z o.o

Company address: 90-213 Lodz, Rewolucji 1905r 52

Company account number: PL 64 1140 2004 0000 3112 0683 4362


Other information

a) Participant who paid for the course and did not inform the Organiser of his/her absence 31 days before the specified course date or cancelled his/her attendance within less than 31 days is not entitled to a refund.

b) Participant who paid for the course and cancels his/her attendance more than 31 days in advance will be refunded 100% of the amount paid.

c) Each participant, when enrolling in the course by phone or e-mail, receives a confirmation of attendance by e-mail.

d) The condition of participation in the course is to provide address data (as for the invoice) together with contact phone number and e-mail address.

d) The Organizer, for reasons beyond his control, may cancel the course at the same time indicating the next date of the training.


1) The courses are held at the dates and places previously stated in the information/advertising materials or on the website lassmanneducation.eu.

2) The courses are conducted by lecturers with appropriate qualifications and competences. Information about the lecturer can be found in the information/advertising materials or on the website lassmanneducation.eu  in the “Lecturers” tab after selecting the appropriate course. The Organizer reserves the right to change the lecturer, guaranteeing at the same time, the same competence level of the new lecturer.

3) The Organizer reserves the right to change the date and/or place of the course. In such a case, all the course participants shall be informed by e-mail or telephone. In the event of such change, the participants have the right to withdraw from attending the course and the Organizer undertakes to return 100% of the paid amount.

4) In case the course is cancelled due to force majeure, the Organizer undertakes to conduct the course on the new date, without any additional fees. Also in the case of such change, Participants have the right to withdraw from attendance the course and the Organizer undertakes to return 100% of the paid amount.

5) The refund resulting from these Regulations shall be made by transfer to the Participant’s account.

Organizational remarks

In this respect, the Participants, by attending the training, agree to the processing of their data by the Organizer to conduct the training/workshops. All information regarding processing is available on the website lassmanneducation.eu in the Privacy Policy tab.

Participants have access to their data at all times.

Complaints, returns

1) Participants have the right to complain about, among others, the level of education, communication skills of the lecturer, organizational shortcomings. Complaints should be submitted by e-mail or post to the Organizer’s address. Complaints shall be considered within 14 days of receipt.

2) Course participants can send by e-mail, the course reviews, opinions, both positive and critical as well as proposals for changes in course programs, topics for new courses, proposals for organizational improvements, etc. All suggestions shall be considered by the Organizer with special care.

Founding from external institutions

Signing an agreement with an external institution providing co-financing, constitutes confirmation of registration for the course.

Other regulations

1) Dental Class Sp. Z o.o., Organizer of the courses, wants to provide the participants with the highest level of content and organization of the courses, therefore issues not covered by these regulations shall be considered following common sense and customary solutions, above all, beneficial for the Participants of the courses.

2) All the current information about the courses, including the list of courses with programs and schedules, can be found on the Organiser’s website: lassmanneducation.eu